EMACSPEAK The Complete Audio Desktop

Here is where I plan to publish Emacspeak tricks and introduce new features as I implement them. Here is an Archive of all articles as a single Web page.

Table Of Contents

  1. Smart Media Selector For The Emacspeak Audio Desktop
  2. Emacspeak: Hidden Holiday Gems
  3. Emacs: Hidden Holiday Gems
  4. Emacspeak 59.0 (VirtualDog) Unleashed!
  5. <
  6. Together: The Old And New Work Much Better!
  7. Augmenting Emacs With ZOxide For Efficient File System Navigation
  8. Return To Control Right Using XModmap and XCape
  9. Ergonomic Emacs: Dont Punish Your Finger Tips
  10. Ergonomic Buffer Selection on the Emacspeak Audio Desktop
  11. Emacspeak 58.0 (ErgoDog) Unleashed!
  12. Training Wheels For Better Ergonomics
  13. Enhance Emacs Ergonomics Under X: Happy Hands!
  14. AsTeR: Spoken Math On The Emacspeak Audio Desktop
  15. Toward Accessible Scientific Documents From Arxiv
  16. Emacspeak 57.0 (Tilden) Unleashed
  17. Learn Smarter By Taking Rich, Hypertext Notes
  18. Goodbye To Tilden Labrador, Our Beloved Press/Analyst Contact
  19. Emacspeak 56.0 (AgileDog) Unleashed
  20. Emacspeak: the Complete Audio Desktop Under Pulseaudio
  21. Advice On Emacs Advice
  22. Emacspeak In The Age Of Cloud Computing
  23. Emacspeak 55.0 (CalmDog) Unleashed
  24. Generalize Snarf Tool: How The General Can Be Simpler Than The Specific
  25. Snarfing String Within Delimiters With One Defun
  26. Contextual Context Switching For An Efficient Workflow
  27. Emacspeak 54.0 (EZDog) Unleashed
  28. Emacspeak 53.0 (EfficientDog) Unleashed
  29. Web: Data Tables Can Be More Than Screen-Deep
  30. Extracting A Light-Weight Key-Sequence Reader By Progressive Simplification
  31. On Defining Keys In Emacs
  32. Emacs: paired Commands — Efficient Keyboard Interaction Using Hydra
  33. Searching GMail with GNUS
  34. Start Emacs In A Defun
  35. Learning Rust By Implementing The Pick-Up Sticks Game.
  36. Viewing Data Records With Emacs' Forms Library.
  37. Magit/Forge Fork And Create Pull-Request Cheat-Sheet For GitHub
  38. Standard GitHub Fork And Pull-Request Workflow Within Emacs
  39. Emacspeak 52.0 (WorkAtHomeDog) Unleashed
  40. Speaking Of Chess: Speech-Enabling Emacs Chess In Emacspeak
  41. Emacspeak 51.0 (AssistDog) Unleashed
  42. Meta-Programming In Emacs Using Advice
  43. Emacspeak 50.0 (SageDog) Unleashed
  44. Emacspeak 49.0 (WiseDog) Unleashed
  45. Using Emacs Threads To Execute Commands Asynchronously
  46. Effective Suggest And Complete In An Eyes-Free Environment
  47. Updating Voxin TTS Server To Avoid A Possible ALSA Bug
  48. Emacspeak 48.0 (ServiceDog) Unleashed
  49. Emacspeak 47.0 (GentleDog) Unleashed
  50. Emacs Start-Up: Speeding It Up
  51. Data-Binding In Emacs Lisp: let-alist When Processing JSON Data
  52. Spatial Audio: ALSA Virtual Devices Using LADSPA
  53. Emacspeak 46.0 (HelpfulDog) Unleashed
  54. Email Setup On The Emacspeak Audio Desktop
  55. Emacs: Check Interactive Call For Emacspeak
  56. Audio Deja Vu: Audio Formatted Math On The Emacspeak Desktop
  57. Fun With TTS (Voxin) And Ladspa
  58. Follow-Up: Soundscapes On The Emacspeak Audio Desktop
  59. Emacspeak 45.0 (IdealDog) Unleashed
  60. Emacspeak 44.0 (SteadyDog) Unleashed
  61. Smithsonian Permanent Research Collection, May 12, 1999.
  62. Augmented Headphone Listening On Linux For The Emacspeak Audio Desktop
  63. Soundscapes on the Emacspeak Audio Desktop.
  64. A Ladspa Work-Bench for the Emacspeak desktop.
  65. New spatialized sound-theme derived from chimes
  66. Listening to multiple media streams on the Emacspeak Audio Desktop
  67. Emacspeak 43.0 (SolidDog) Unleashed
  68. Using Multiple TTS Streams On The Emacspeak Audio Desktop
  69. Smart Actions In Directory Buffers For The Emacspeak Audio Desktop
  70. Setting Up An X Environment For Using With Emacspeak, ChromeVox and StumpWM
  71. Emacspeak:Setting up StumpWM as a speech-enabled Window Manager.
  72. Emacspeak: An Overview Of Voice-Lock Over The Years
  73. Muggles Keyboard conveniences for the emacspeak desktop.

These articles are published via the Emacspeak Blog on Blogspot. Going forward, they will be mirrored as light-weight HTML pages on GitHub.