6.3 Reading Without Moving

Emacspeak speaks information as you move around within a buffer. How much text is spoken depends on how you move, thus, when you move by words, you hear the current word; when you move by paragraphs, you hear the current paragraph spoken. In addition, the following commands allow you to listen to information without moving point (point is emacs terminology for the editing cursor).

Reading without moving point:

C-e c


Speak character under point. Pronounces character phonetically unless called with a PREFIX arg.

C-e w


Speak current word. With prefix ARG, speaks the rest of the word from point. Negative prefix arg speaks from start of word to point. If executed on the same buffer position a second time, the word is spelled instead of being spoken.

C-e l


Speaks current line. With prefix ARG, speaks the rest of the line from point. Negative prefix optional arg speaks from start of line to point. Voicifies if option ‘voice-lock-mode’ is on. Indicates indentation with a tone or a spoken cue if audio indentation is in use. Indicates position of point with an aural highlight if option ‘emacspeak-show-point’ is turned on — see command emacspeak-show-point bound to C-e C-d. Lines that start hidden blocks of text, e.g. outline header lines, or header lines of blocks created by command ‘emacspeak-hide-or-expose-block’ are indicated with auditory icon ellipses.

C-e UP


Read previous line, specified by an offset, without moving. Default is to read the previous line.



Read next line, specified by an offset, without moving. Default is to read the next line.

C-e p


Speak paragraph. With prefix arg, speaks rest of current paragraph. Negative prefix arg will read from start of current paragraph to point. If voice-lock-mode is on, then it will use any defined personality.

C-e r


Speak current region delimited by point and mark. When called from a program, argument START and END specify region to speak.

C-e cap R


Speak a rectangle of text. Rectangle is delimited by point and mark. When call from a program, arguments specify the START and END of the rectangle.

C-e b


Speak current buffer contents. With prefix ARG, speaks the rest of the buffer from point. Negative prefix arg speaks from start of buffer to point. If voice lock mode is on, the paragraphs in the buffer are voice annotated first, see command emacspeak-speak-voice-annotate-paragraphs. This provides the auditory equivalent of dropped caps from visual typography.

C-e n


Speak remainder of the buffer starting at point

C-e /


Speak this buffer as displayed in a different frame. Emacs allows you to display the same buffer in multiple windows or frames. These different windows can display different portions of the buffer. This is equivalent to leaving a book open at places at once. This command allows you to listen to the places where you have left the book open. The number used to invoke this command specifies which of the displays you wish to speak. Typically you will have two or at most three such displays open. The current display is 0, the next is 1, and so on. Optional argument ARG specifies the display to speak.



Speak this buffer as displayed in a ‘previous’ window. See documentation for command emacspeak-speak-this-buffer-other-window-display for the meaning of ‘previous’.



Speak this buffer as displayed in a ‘previous’ window. See documentation for command emacspeak-speak-this-buffer-other-window-display for the meaning of ‘previous’.

C-e [


Speak a page. With prefix ARG, speaks rest of current page. Negative prefix arg will read from start of current page to point. If option ‘voice-lock-mode’ is on, then it will use any defined personality.



Speak one of the first 10 windows on the screen. In general, you’ll never have Emacs split the screen into more than two or three. Argument ARG determines the ’other’ window to speak. Speaks entire window irrespective of point. Semantics of ‘other’ is the same as for the builtin Emacs command ‘other-window’.

C-e C-n


Speak the next window.

C-e C-p


Speak the previous window.


Speak contents of ‘other’ window. Speaks entire window irrespective of point. Semantics of ‘other’ is the same as for the builtin Emacs command ‘other-window’. Optional argument ARG specifies ‘other’ window to speak.



Move to the next line in the other window and speak it. Numeric prefix arg COUNT specifies number of lines to move.



Move to the next line in the other window and speak it. Numeric prefix arg COUNT can specify number of lines to move.



Scroll up the window that command ‘other-window’ would move to. Speak the window contents after scrolling.

ESCAPE prior


Scroll down the window that command ‘other-window’ would move to. Speak the window contents after scrolling.


Speak current sexp. With prefix ARG, speaks the rest of the sexp from point. Negative prefix arg speaks from start of sexp to point.

C-e meta C-@

emacspeak-speak-spaces-at-point Speak the white space at point.