6.4.2 Setting TTS Characteristics.

Emacspeak user commands can set different characteristics of the speech output such as speech rate and punctuations mode.

Emacspeak provides a number of settings that affect how attributes of the text such as capitalization are conveyed. These include settings that produce a short tone for each upper case letter, as well as a smart mode for speaking mixed case words which is especially useful when programming. These settings can be made locally in a given buffer or be applied to all buffers by preceding these commands with C-u.

C-e d r


Set speaking RATE for the TTS. Interactive PREFIX arg means set the global default value, and then set the current local value to the result.

C-e d f


Set scale FACTOR for speech rate. Speech rate is scaled by this factor when speaking characters. Interactive PREFIX arg means set the global default value, and then set the current local value to the result.

This function is advised.

Before-advice ‘emacspeak-auto’: Automatically defined advice to speak interactive prompts.



Set speech rate to one of nine predefined levels using digit keys 0 through 9. Interactive PREFIX arg says to set the rate globally.

C-e d p


Set punctuation mode to MODE. Possible values are ‘some’, ‘all’, or ‘none’. Interactive PREFIX arg means set the global default value, and then set the current local value to the result.

C-e d m


Set pronunciation MODE. This command is valid only for newer Dectalks, e.g. the Dectalk Express. Possible values are ‘math, name, europe, spell’, all of which can be turned on or off. Argument STATE specifies new state.

C-e d s


Toggle split caps mode. Split caps mode is useful when reading Hungarian notation in program source code. Interactive PREFIX arg means toggle the global default value, and then set the current local value to the result. dtk-toggle-caps

C-e d c

Toggle capitalization. when set, capitalization is indicated by a cap before the word, and upper-case words are indicated with a acc before the word. Interactive PREFIX arg means toggle the global default value, and then set the current local value to the result.

In addition, Emacspeak can convey the indentation of lines as they are spoken — This is relevant when programming and is the default when working with program source.

C-e d i


Toggle state of Emacspeak audio indentation. Interactive PREFIX arg means toggle the global default value, and then set the current local value to the result.