12.25 emacspeak-calendar

This module speech enables the Emacs Calendar. Speech enabling is not the same as speaking the screen: This is an excellent example of the advantages of speech-enabled interaction.

12.25.1 Emacspeak-Calendar Commands emacspeak-appt-repeat-announcement

Command: emacspeak-appt-repeat-announcement
C-e A
Speaks the most recently displayed appointment message if any. emacspeak-calendar-setup-sunrise-sunset

Command: emacspeak-calendar-setup-sunrise-sunset
Set up geo-coordinates using Google Maps reverse geocoding.
To use, configure variable gmaps-my-address via M-x customize-variable. emacspeak-calendar-speak-date

Command: emacspeak-calendar-speak-date
Speak the date under point when called in Calendar Mode. emacspeak-calendar-sunrise-sunset

Command: emacspeak-calendar-sunrise-sunset (address &optional arg)
Display sunrise/sunset for specified address.

(fn ADDRESS &optional ARG)