12.133 emacspeak-muggles

MUGGLES == Emacspeak spells for power-users. This module implements no new functionality — contrast with emacspeak-wizards. Instead, it uses package hydra to provide convenience key-bindings that access existing Emacspeak functionality. You need to install package Hydra first: ‘M-x package-install hydra’.

Note that on newer versions of Emacs, loading this module will attempt to automatically install package hydra if it is not found.

12.133.1 Using Hydras

See the high-level documentation for the Hydra package by executing C-h C-j hydra RET. The documentation in this section uses the same terminology as shown in the hydra package documentation.

12.133.2 Implemented Muggles

Emacspeak automatically speaks Hydra hints when displayed. To silence all Hydra hints, set hydra-is-helpful to nil. To temporarily silence speaking of Hydra hints, Muggles can bind command emacspeak-hydra-toggle-talkative. As an example, Muggle ‘ViewMode’ binds s to this command.

12.133.3 Emacspeak-Muggles Commands emacspeak-muggles-brightness/body

Command: emacspeak-muggles-brightness/body
Call the body in the "emacspeak-muggles-brightness" hydra.

The heads for the associated hydra are:

"?":    ‘(emacspeak-hydra-self-help "emacspeak-muggles-brightness")’,
"s":    ‘light-set’,
"g":    ‘light-get’,
"t":    ‘emacspeak-hydra-toggle-talkative’,
"<print>":    ‘light-black’,
"s-.":    ‘light-black’,
".":    ‘light-black’,
"0":    ‘light-black’,
"1":    ‘light-white’,
"d":    ‘light-decrement’,
"i":    ‘light-increment’,
"SPC":    ‘light-increment’

The body can be accessed via ‘emacspeak-muggles-brightness/body’. emacspeak-muggles-hideshow/body

Command: emacspeak-muggles-hideshow/body
C-, h
C-x @ a h
Call the body in the "emacspeak-muggles-hideshow" hydra.

The heads for the associated hydra are:

"?":    ‘(emacspeak-hydra-self-help "emacspeak-muggles-hideshow")’,
"h":    ‘hs-hide-block’,
"s":    ‘hs-show-block’,
"H":    ‘hs-hide-all’,
"S":    ‘hs-show-all’,
"a":    ‘hs-show-all’,
"l":    ‘hs-hide-level’,
"i":    ‘hs-hide-initial-comment-block’

The body can be accessed via ‘emacspeak-muggles-hideshow/body’. emacspeak-muggles-ido-yank

Command: emacspeak-muggles-ido-yank
Pick what to yank using ido completion. emacspeak-muggles-lispy-or-sp

Command: emacspeak-muggles-lispy-or-sp
Toggle between lispy and smartparens. emacspeak-muggles-maths-navigator/body

Command: emacspeak-muggles-maths-navigator/body
Call the body in the "emacspeak-muggles-maths-navigator" hydra.

The heads for the associated hydra are:

"o":    ‘emacspeak-maths-switch-to-output’,
"RET":    ‘emacspeak-maths-enter-guess’,
"SPC":    ‘emacspeak-maths-enter’,
"a":    ‘emacspeak-maths-speak-alt’,
"d":    ‘emacspeak-maths-depth’,
"r":    ‘emacspeak-maths-root’,
"<up>":    ‘emacspeak-maths-up’,
"<down>":    ‘emacspeak-maths-down’,
"<left>":    ‘emacspeak-maths-left’,
"<right>":    ‘emacspeak-maths-right’

The body can be accessed via ‘emacspeak-muggles-maths-navigator/body’. emacspeak-muggles-navigate/body

Command: emacspeak-muggles-navigate/body
Call the body in the "emacspeak-muggles-navigate" hydra.

The heads for the associated hydra are:

"?":    ‘(emacspeak-hydra-self-help "emacspeak-muggles-navigate")’,
"s":    ‘emacspeak-hydra-toggle-talkative’,
"n":    ‘next-line’,
"p":    ‘previous-line’,
"f":    ‘forward-char’,
"b":    ‘backward-char’,
"a":    ‘beginning-of-line’,
"e":    ‘move-end-of-line’,
"j":    ‘next-line’,
"k":    ‘previous-line’,
"v":    ‘scroll-up-command’,
"V":    ‘scroll-down-command’,
"l":    ‘recenter-top-bottom’,
"<":    ‘beginning-of-buffer’,
">":    ‘end-of-buffer’

The body can be accessed via ‘emacspeak-muggles-navigate/body’. emacspeak-muggles-org-table/body

Command: emacspeak-muggles-org-table/body
Call the body in the "emacspeak-muggles-org-table" hydra.

The heads for the associated hydra are:

"?":    ‘(emacspeak-hydra-self-help "emacspeak-muggles-org-table")’,
"j":    ‘org-table-next-row’,
"k":    ‘org-table-previous-row’,
"h":    ‘org-table-previous-field’,
"l":    ‘org-table-next-field’,
"SPC":    ‘emacspeak-org-table-speak-current-element’,
".":    ‘emacspeak-org-table-speak-coordinates’,
"b":    ‘emacspeak-org-table-speak-both-headers-and-element’,
"r":    ‘emacspeak-org-table-speak-row-header-and-element’,
"c":    ‘emacspeak-org-table-speak-column-header-and-element’

The body can be accessed via ‘emacspeak-muggles-org-table/body’. emacspeak-muggles-toggle-option/body

Command: emacspeak-muggles-toggle-option/body
C-c o
Call the body in the "emacspeak-muggles-toggle-option" hydra.

The heads for the associated hydra are:

"?":    ‘(emacspeak-hydra-self-help "emacspeak-muggles-toggle-option")’,
"a":    ‘(call-interactively #’abbrev-mode)’,
"d":    ‘(call-interactively #’toggle-debug-on-error)’,
"g":    ‘(call-interactively #’toggle-debug-on-quit)’,
"h":    ‘(setq hydra-is-helpful (not hydra-is-helpful))’,
"p":    ‘emacspeak-muggles-lispy-or-sp’,
"q":    nil

The body can be accessed via ‘emacspeak-muggles-toggle-option/body’. emacspeak-muggles-undo-only/undo-redo/body

Command: emacspeak-muggles-undo-only/undo-redo/body
Call the body in the "emacspeak-muggles-undo-only/undo-redo" hydra.

The heads for the associated hydra are:

"?":    ‘(emacspeak-hydra-self-help "emacspeak-muggles-undo-only/undo-redo")’,
"/":    ‘undo-only’,
"\":    ‘undo-redo’

The body can be accessed via ‘emacspeak-muggles-undo-only/undo-redo/body’. emacspeak-muggles-yank-pop/body

Command: emacspeak-muggles-yank-pop/body
Call the body in the "emacspeak-muggles-yank-pop" hydra.

The heads for the associated hydra are:

"?":    ‘(emacspeak-hydra-self-help "emacspeak-muggles-yank-pop")’,
"C-y":    ‘yank’,
"M-y":    ‘yank-pop’,
"y":    ‘(funcall-interactively #’yank-pop 1)’,
"Y":    ‘(funcall-interactively #’yank-pop -1)’,
"i":    ‘emacspeak-muggles-ido-yank’,
"s":    ‘emacspeak-muggles-ido-yank’,
"l":    ‘browse-kill-ring’

The body can be accessed via ‘emacspeak-muggles-yank-pop/body’.