12.190 emacspeak-table-ui

User interface to tables

12.190.1 Emacspeak-Table-Ui Commands emacspeak-table-copy-current-element-to-kill-ring

Command: emacspeak-table-copy-current-element-to-kill-ring
C-e C-t w
Copy current table element to kill ring. emacspeak-table-copy-current-element-to-register

Command: emacspeak-table-copy-current-element-to-register (register)
C-e C-t x
Copy current table element to specified register.

(fn REGISTER) emacspeak-table-copy-to-clipboard

Command: emacspeak-table-copy-to-clipboard
C-e C-t k
Copy table in current buffer to the table clipboard.
Current buffer must be in emacspeak-table mode. emacspeak-table-find-csv-file

Command: emacspeak-table-find-csv-file (filename)
C-e C-t ,
Process a csv (comma separated values) file.
The processed  data is presented using emacspeak table navigation. 

(fn FILENAME) emacspeak-table-find-file

Command: emacspeak-table-find-file (filename)
Open a file containing table data and display it in table mode.
emacspeak table mode is designed to let you browse tabular data using
all the power of the two-dimensional spatial layout while giving you
sufficient contextual information.  The etc/tables subdirectory of the
emacspeak distribution contains some sample tables –these are the
CalTrain schedules.  Execute command ‘describe-mode’ bound to
C-h m in a buffer that is in emacspeak table mode to read
the documentation on the table browser.

(fn FILENAME) emacspeak-table-goto

Command: emacspeak-table-goto (row column)
C-e C-t j
Prompt for a table cell coordinates and jump to it.

(fn ROW COLUMN) emacspeak-table-goto-bottom

Command: emacspeak-table-goto-bottom
C-e C-t B
C-e C-t M->
Goes to the bottom of the current column. emacspeak-table-goto-left

Command: emacspeak-table-goto-left
C-e C-t A
C-e C-t <
Goes to the left of the current row. emacspeak-table-goto-right

Command: emacspeak-table-goto-right
C-e C-t E
C-e C-t >
Goes to the right of the current row. emacspeak-table-goto-top

Command: emacspeak-table-goto-top
C-e C-t T
C-e C-t M-<
Goes to the top of the current column. emacspeak-table-mode

Command: emacspeak-table-mode
Major mode for browsing tables.
Table mode is designed to allow speech users to browse tabular
data with full contextual feedback while retaining all the power
of the two-dimensional spatial layout of tables.

In table mode, the arrow keys move between cells of the table.
Emacspeak speaks the cell contents in a user-customizable way.  The
visual display is kept in sync with the speech you hear; however
Emacspeak is examining the entire table in order to speak the current
cell content intelligently.

You can interactively specify that emacspeak should speak either the row or
column header (or both) while speaking each cell.  You can also specify a row
or column filter that should be applied when speaking entire rows or columns
–this lets you view slices of a table.  You can move to a specific row or
column by searching the cell contents or by searching the row or column
headers to locate items of interest.

Here is a short description of the special commands provided in this mode.

The next four commands help you move to the edges of the table:

E               emacspeak-table-goto-right
A               emacspeak-table-goto-left
B               emacspeak-table-goto-bottom
T               emacspeak-table-goto-top

The next two commands let you search the table.
The commands ask you if you want to search rows or columns.
When searching headers remember that row 0 is the column header,
and that column 0 is the row header.

h               emacspeak-table-search-headers
s               emacspeak-table-search

The next command lets you specify how cell contents should be spoken.  Specify
one of: ‘b’ for both, ‘c’ for column, ‘r’ for row, ‘f’ for row filtering and
‘g’ for column filtering. –table cells with then be spoken with both (or
either)row and column headers, or with the filter applied.

a               emacspeak-table-select-automatic-speaking-method

The next set of commands speak the current table cell:

.               emacspeak-table-speak-coordinates
b               emacspeak-table-speak-both-headers-and-element
SPC             emacspeak-table-speak-current-element
c               emacspeak-table-speak-column-header-and-element
r               e macspeak-table-speak-row-header-and-element

The next set of commands navigate the table:

right               emacspeak-table-next-column
left               emacspeak-table-previous-column
down               emacspeak-table-next-row
up               emacspeak-table-previous-row
j               emacspeak-table-goto
S-tab               emacspeak-table-previous-column
TAB               emacspeak-table-next-column

Row and Column Filtering

Filtering is designed to let you view slices of a table.
They are specified as lists of numbers and strings.
The concept is best explained with an example.

A row filter specifies which of the entries in the current row should be
spoken.Entries are numbered starting with 0.  Thus, when working with a table
having 8 columns, a row filter of (1 2 3) will speak only entries 1 2 and 3.
Use the sample tables in etc/tables   to familiarize yourself with this
feature. Note that you can intersperse meaningful strings in the list that
specifies the filter.

Full List Of Keybindings:

Key             Binding
C-b             emacspeak-table-previous-column
C-f             emacspeak-table-next-column
TAB             emacspeak-table-next-column
C-n             emacspeak-table-next-row
C-p             emacspeak-table-previous-row
SPC             emacspeak-table-speak-current-element
#               emacspeak-table-sort-on-current-column
,               emacspeak-table-find-csv-file
.               emacspeak-table-speak-coordinates
<            emacspeak-table-goto-left
=               emacspeak-table-speak-dimensions
>            emacspeak-table-goto-right
A               emacspeak-table-goto-left
B               emacspeak-table-goto-bottom
C               emacspeak-table-search-column
E               emacspeak-table-goto-right
Q               emacspeak-kill-buffer-quietly
R               emacspeak-table-search-row
T               emacspeak-table-goto-top
a               emacspeak-table-select-automatic-speaking-method
b               emacspeak-table-speak-both-headers-and-element
c               emacspeak-table-speak-column-header-and-element
f               emacspeak-table-speak-row-filtered
g               emacspeak-table-speak-column-filtered
h               emacspeak-table-search-headers
j               emacspeak-table-goto
k               emacspeak-table-copy-to-clipboard
n               emacspeak-table-next-row
p               emacspeak-table-previous-row
q               quit-window
r               emacspeak-table-speak-row-header-and-element
s               emacspeak-table-search
v               emacspeak-table-view-csv-buffer
w               emacspeak-table-copy-current-element-to-kill-ring
x               emacspeak-table-copy-current-element-to-register
S-<tab>           emacspeak-table-previous-column
<down>            emacspeak-table-next-row
<left>            emacspeak-table-previous-column
<right>           emacspeak-table-next-column
<up>              emacspeak-table-previous-row

M-<          emacspeak-table-goto-top
M->          emacspeak-table-goto-bottom
M-l             emacspeak-table-ui-filter-load
M-s             emacspeak-table-ui-filter-save

In addition to any hooks its parent mode ‘special-mode’ might have
run, this mode runs the hook ‘emacspeak-table-mode-hook’, as the final
or penultimate step during initialization. emacspeak-table-next-column

Command: emacspeak-table-next-column (&optional count)
C-e C-t TAB
C-e C-t C-f
C-e C-t <right>
Move to the next column if possible

(fn &optional COUNT) emacspeak-table-next-row

Command: emacspeak-table-next-row (&optional count)
C-e C-t n
C-e C-t C-n
C-e C-t <down>
Move to the next row if possible

(fn &optional COUNT) emacspeak-table-paste-from-clipboard

Command: emacspeak-table-paste-from-clipboard
Paste the emacspeak table clipboard into the current buffer.
Use the major  mode of this buffer to  decide what kind of table
markup to use. emacspeak-table-previous-column

Command: emacspeak-table-previous-column (&optional count)
C-e C-t C-b
C-e C-t <left>
C-e C-t S-<tab>
Move to the previous column  if possible

(fn &optional COUNT) emacspeak-table-previous-row

Command: emacspeak-table-previous-row (&optional count)
C-e C-t p
C-e C-t C-p
C-e C-t <up>
Move to the previous row if possible

(fn &optional COUNT) emacspeak-table-search

Command: emacspeak-table-search (&optional what)
C-e C-t s
Search the table for matching elements.  Interactively prompts for
row or column to search and pattern to look for.    If there is a match, makes
the matching cell current. When called from a program, ‘what’ can
  be either ‘row’ or ‘column’.

(fn &optional WHAT) emacspeak-table-search-column

Command: emacspeak-table-search-column
C-e C-t C
Search in current table column. emacspeak-table-search-headers

Command: emacspeak-table-search-headers
C-e C-t h
Search the table row or column headers.  Interactively prompts for
row or column to search and pattern to look for.  If there is a
match, makes the matching row or column current. emacspeak-table-search-row

Command: emacspeak-table-search-row
C-e C-t R
Search in current table row. emacspeak-table-select-automatic-speaking-method

Command: emacspeak-table-select-automatic-speaking-method
C-e C-t a
Interactively select the kind of automatic speech to produce when
browsing table elements emacspeak-table-sort-on-current-column

Command: emacspeak-table-sort-on-current-column
C-e C-t #
Sort table on current column. emacspeak-table-speak-both-headers-and-element

Command: emacspeak-table-speak-both-headers-and-element
C-e C-t b
Speak  both row and column header and table element emacspeak-table-speak-column-filtered

Command: emacspeak-table-speak-column-filtered (&optional prefix)
C-e C-t g
Speaks a table column after applying a specified column filter.
Optional prefix arg prompts for a new filter.

(fn &optional PREFIX) emacspeak-table-speak-column-header-and-element

Command: emacspeak-table-speak-column-header-and-element
C-e C-t c
Speak  column header and table element emacspeak-table-speak-coordinates

Command: emacspeak-table-speak-coordinates
C-e C-t .
Speak current table coordinates. emacspeak-table-speak-current-element

Command: emacspeak-table-speak-current-element
C-e C-t SPC
Speak current table element emacspeak-table-speak-dimensions

Command: emacspeak-table-speak-dimensions
C-e C-t =
Speak current table dimensions. emacspeak-table-speak-row-filtered

Command: emacspeak-table-speak-row-filtered (&optional prefix)
C-e C-t f
Speaks a table row after applying a specified row filter.
Optional prefix arg prompts for a new filter.

(fn &optional PREFIX) emacspeak-table-speak-row-header-and-element

Command: emacspeak-table-speak-row-header-and-element
C-e C-t r
Speak  row header and table element emacspeak-table-ui-filter-load

Command: emacspeak-table-ui-filter-load (file)
C-e C-t M-l
Load saved filter settings.

(fn FILE) emacspeak-table-ui-filter-save

Command: emacspeak-table-ui-filter-save (file)
C-e C-t M-s
Save out filter settings.

(fn FILE) emacspeak-table-view-csv-buffer

Command: emacspeak-table-view-csv-buffer (&optional buffer-name)
C-e C-t v
Process a csv (comma separated values) data.
The processed  data is  presented using emacspeak table navigation. 

(fn &optional BUFFER-NAME) emacspeak-table-view-csv-url

Command: emacspeak-table-view-csv-url (url &optional buffer-name)
Process a csv (comma separated values) data at  ‘URL’.
The processed  data is  presented using emacspeak table navigation. 

(fn URL &optional BUFFER-NAME)