12.77 emacspeak-eww

EWW == Emacs Web Browser EWW is a light-weight Web browser built into Emacs starting with Emacs-24.4 . This module speech-enables EWW.

It implements additional interactive commands for navigating the DOM. It also provides a set of filters for interactively filtering the DOM by various attributes such as id, class and role. Finally, this module updates EWW’s built-in key-bindings with Emacspeak conveniences — for a complete list of key-bindings, invoke command describe-bindings in an EWW buffer by pressing C-h b.

12.77.1 Structured Navigation

These commands move through section headers as defined in HTML.


emacspeak-eww-next-h1 Move to next H1 heading.


emacspeak-eww-next-h2 Move to next H2 heading.


emacspeak-eww-next-h3 Move to next H3 heading.


emacspeak-eww-next-h4 Move to next H4 heading.


emacspeak-eww-next-h Move to next heading. (H1...H4).


emacspeak-eww-previous-h1 Move to previous H1 heading.


emacspeak-eww-previous-h2 Move to previous H2 heading.


emacspeak-eww-previous-h3 Move to previous H3 heading.


emacspeak-eww-previous-h4 Move to previous H4 heading.


emacspeak-eww-previous-h Move to previous heading (H1...H4).

This next set of DOM commands enable navigating by HTML elements.


emacspeak-eww-speak-this-element Speak contents of current element.


emacspeak-eww-next-element-like-this Jump to next element that is the same as the one under point. If there are multiple HTML elements under point, prompts for element-name using completion.


emacspeak-eww-previous-element-like-this Jump to previous element that is the same as the one under point. If there are multiple HTML elements under point, prompts for element-name using completion.


emacspeak-eww-next-element-from-history Jump to next element based on previous J/K command history.


emacspeak-eww-previous-element-from-history Jump to previous element based on previous J/K history.


emacspeak-eww-previous-li Jump to previous list item.


emacspeak-eww-next-li Jump to next list item.


emacspeak-eww-previous-table Jump to previous table in page.


emacspeak-eww-next-table Jump to next table.


emacspeak-eww-previous-p Jump to previous paragraph.


emacspeak-eww-next-p Jump to next paragraph.


shr-previous-link Jump to previous link.


shr-next-link Jump to next link.


emacspeak-eww-next-element Jump to next element.


emacspeak-eww-previous-element Jump to previous element.


eww-readable Use EWW’s built-in readable tool.


emacspeak-eww-tags-at-point Display currently active HTML tags at point.

12.77.2 Filtering Content Using The DOM

These commands use EWW’s HTML DOM to display different filtered views of the Web page. With an interactive prefix argument, these commands prompt for a list of filters. Command emacspeak-eww-restore bound to DEL can be used to restore the previous view.


eww-view-dom-having-attribute Display DOM nodes having specified attribute. Valid attributes are available via completion.


eww-view-dom-having-class Display DOM nodes having specified class. Valid classes are available via completion.


eww-view-dom-having-elements Display specified elements from the Dom. Valid element names are available via completion.


eww-view-dom-having-id Display DOM nodes having specified ID. Valid id values are available via completion.


eww-view-dom-element-having-text lines containing pattern. Useful to filter down RSS feeds.


eww-view-dom-having-role Display DOM nodes having specified role. Valid roles are available via completion.


eww-view-dom-not-having-attribute Filter out DOM nodes having specified attribute. Valid attribute values are available via completion.


eww-view-dom-not-having-class Filter out DOM nodes having specified class. Valid class values are available via completion.


eww-view-dom-not-having-elements Filter out specified element DOM nodes. Valid element names are available via completion.


eww-view-dom-not-having-id Dfilter out Display DOM nodes having specified ID. Valid id values are available via completion.


eww-view-dom-not-having-role Filter out DOM nodes having specified role. Valid role values are available via completion.

12.77.3 Diving Into (Focusing) On Specific Content

Contrast this with filtering described in the previous section. There, we discussed commands that filter the DOM to render specific types of elements. For HTML as spoken on the Web, there is a separate use-case that is helpful as a dual to filtering, namely, displaying a specific portion of a page, typically the contents of a div element. These elements often appear many times on a page, and can be deeply nested, making it difficult to focus on the relevant content on the page, e.g. news sites. Commands emacspeak-eww-dive-into-div help in such cases, C-d renders the div containing point in a separate buffer As with the filtering commands, l returns to the buffer where these commands were executed. Long-term users of Emacspeak who still remember Emacs-W3 will recognize this as the focus command implemented by Emacspeak for W3.

12.77.5 Table Browsing

Summary Of Keyboard Commands:

Emacspeak EWW supports table navigation via keys M-., M-LEFT and M-RIGHT, to speak the current, previous and next table cell respectively. The latter commands also move to the cell being spoken. You can get a sense of the table’s size via M-, which speaks the number of rows and cells in the table. This works for plain tables, not nested tables; for nested tables, first have then unnested using one of the XSLT transforms like sort-tables.

12.77.6 Miscellaneous Commands


emacspeak-eww-play-audio/video When on an audio element, plays audio under point.


emacspeak-eww-fillin-field When on an input field, insert username/password information accessed via auth-source.


emacspeak-speak-rest-of-buffer Speak rest of current Web page starting from point.


eww-add-bookmark Bookmark current Web page.

= dtk-toggle-punctuation-mode

Toggle punctuation mode.


emacspeak-google-similar-to-this-page Google similarity search.

G emacspeak-google-command

Prefix key to invoke Google-specific commands.


emacspeak-eww-links-rel Display any related links discovered via the document’s meta tag.


emacspeak-kill-buffer-quietly Delete this buffer.


eww-view-source Display Web page source.


emacspeak-we-xsl-map Prefix key for invoking XSLT-based filters.


eww-copy-page-url Copy page URL to kill-ring.

In addition, see commands in See emacspeak-google, for Google-Search specific commands, many of which are available via prefix-key G.

12.77.7 Filtering Content Using XSLT And XPath


emacspeak-we-junk-by-class-list Prompts for list of class-names with completion, and filters out matching elements.


emacspeak-we-count-matches Prompts for XPath expression, and returns count of matching elements.


emacspeak-we-xpath-junk-and-follow Follows link under point, and displays that page after filtering by a specified XPath expression.


emacspeak-we-count-tables Display a count of tables in the page.


emacspeak-we-count-nested-tables Counts nested tables.


emacspeak-we-extract-by-class-list Prompts for a list of class-names, and displays matching elements.


emacspeak-we-junk-by-class-list Filters out elements having specified class attributes.


emacspeak-we-extract-by-id-list Extracts elements by specified list of ID values.


emacspeak-we-extract-tables-by-match-list Extracts tables that match specified selection pattern.


emacspeak-we-follow-and-extract-main Follows link under point, and extracts readable content, by default, this is all paragraphs and headings.


emacspeak-we-style-filter Filters content by style attribute.


emacspeak-we-extract-tables-by-position-list Extracts tables by their position on the page.


emacspeak-we-extract-nested-table-list Extracts nested tables.


emacspeak-we-xslt-apply Prompt for and apply specified XSLT transform to current page.


emacspeak-we-follow-and-filter-by-id Follow link under point, and filter by specified id value.


emacspeak-we-extract-by-class Extracts elements by class.


emacspeak-we-junk-by-class Filters out elements having specified class value.


emacspeak-we-url-expand-and-execute Follow link under point, but pass the result to a custom executor. Availability of special executors for link under point is indicated by auditory icon item instead of button You can then experiment by pressing RET or e e. Special executors are available for Reddit Links, Wikipedia Links etc.


emacspeak-we-xslt-filter Apply a specified XSLT filter (XPath) to current page.


emacspeak-we-extract-by-id Extract elements by id value.


emacspeak-we-xslt-junk Filter out elements matching specified pattern.


emacspeak-we-toggle-xsl-keep-result Debugging tool — retains the HTML source after XSLT.


emacspeak-we-extract-table-by-match Extract matching table.


emacspeak-we-xpath-follow-and-filter Follow link under point, and filter results by a specified XPath filter.


emacspeak-we-extract-by-role Extract elements by specified role value.


emacspeak-we-xslt-select Select default XSLT transform that is applied before rendering the page.


emacspeak-we-extract-table-by-position Extracts tables by their position on the page.


emacspeak-we-extract-matching-urls Display matching links on the page.


emacspeak-we-class-follow-and-filter-link Follow link under point, and filter by specified class value.


emacspeak-we-extract-by-property Extract element using a combination of DOM attributes.


emacspeak-we-extract-nested-table Extract a nested table using a match-list.


emacspeak-we-class-follow-and-filter Follow link under point and filter by class values.

12.77.8 EWW And EBooks On The Emacspeak Audio Desktop

Modules emacspeak-epub and emacspeak-bookshare provide EBook front-ends to EPub-2 and Daisy EBooks. Both modules now use EWW to render these EBooks. Module emacspeak-eww provides a simple bookmarking facility — called eww-marks (to avoid confusion with EWW’s Web Bookmarks). When reading an EBook, you can use m to create an EWW-mark at that position. These marks are automatically saved across Emacs sessions. To open a previously created eww-mark, use command emacspeak-eww-open-mark bound to C-x r e. This command reads a eww-mark name with completion. Use this command with an interactive prefix arg to delete a previously created eww-mark.

12.77.9 Extracting Readable Content

By default, EWW includes a simple readability filter, eww-readable bound to s. Emacspeak extends this facility with rdrview[ -- see https://github.com/eafer/rdrview], a command-line tool that extracts page contents using a simplified view filter that mirrors the implementation in Firefox.

You can use Emacspeak commands emacspeak-eww-rdr- follow and emacspeak-eww-rdr-reload both bound to S with variable levels of success on various Web sites.

12.77.10 Emacspeak-Eww Commands emacspeak-eww-add-mark

Command: emacspeak-eww-add-mark (name)
Interactively add a mark with name title+‘name’ at current
  position.  Also store it as an org link for later insertion
into ‘notes’.‘m

(fn NAME) emacspeak-eww-browse-chrome

Command: emacspeak-eww-browse-chrome (url)
Open with Chrome.

(fn URL) emacspeak-eww-delete-mark

Command: emacspeak-eww-delete-mark (name)
Interactively delete a mark with name ‘name’ at current position.

(fn NAME) emacspeak-eww-dive-into-div

Command: emacspeak-eww-dive-into-div
Focus on current div by rendering it in a new buffer. emacspeak-eww-fillin-field

Command: emacspeak-eww-fillin-field
Fill in user or passwd field using auth-source backend. emacspeak-eww-marks-browse

Command: emacspeak-eww-marks-browse
C-x r C-e
List EWW Marks as actionable buttons. emacspeak-eww-marks-load

Command: emacspeak-eww-marks-load
Load saved marks. emacspeak-eww-marks-mode

Command: emacspeak-eww-marks-mode
A light-weight mode for the ‘*Emacspeak EWW Marks Browser*’.
 1. Enables org integration via command
 ‘org-store-link’ bound to M-x org-store-link.
 2. Stored links can be inserted into org files in the same directory
via command ‘org-insert-link’ bound to M-x org-insert-link.

In addition to any hooks its parent mode ‘special-mode’ might have
run, this mode runs the hook ‘emacspeak-eww-marks-mode-hook’, as the
final or penultimate step during initialization. emacspeak-eww-marks-save

Command: emacspeak-eww-marks-save
Save Emacspeak EWW marks. emacspeak-eww-masquerade

Command: emacspeak-eww-masquerade
Toggle masquerade. emacspeak-eww-next-dd

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-dd (&optional speak)
Move forward to the next dd.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the dd.  Second
interactive prefix toggles this flag.  See user option
‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
Second interactive prefix arg toggles default value of this flag.
The dd is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-next-dl

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-dl (&optional speak)
Move forward to the next dl.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the dl.  Second
interactive prefix toggles this flag.  See user option
‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
Second interactive prefix arg toggles default value of this flag.
The dl is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-next-dt

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-dt (&optional speak)
Move forward to the next dt.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the dt.  Second
interactive prefix toggles this flag.  See user option
‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
Second interactive prefix arg toggles default value of this flag.
The dt is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-next-element

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-element (el &optional speak)
Move forward to the next specified element.

(fn EL &optional SPEAK) emacspeak-eww-next-element-from-history

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-element-from-history
Uses element navigation history to decide where we jump. emacspeak-eww-next-element-like-this

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-element-like-this (element)
Moves to next element like current.
Prompts if content at point is enclosed by multiple elements.

(fn ELEMENT) emacspeak-eww-next-h

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-h (&optional speak)
Move forward to the next h.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the h.  Second
interactive prefix toggles this flag.  See user option
‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
Second interactive prefix arg toggles default value of this flag.
The h is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-next-h1

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-h1 (&optional speak)
Move forward to the next h1.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the h1.  Second
interactive prefix toggles this flag.  See user option
‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
Second interactive prefix arg toggles default value of this flag.
The h1 is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-next-h2

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-h2 (&optional speak)
Move forward to the next h2.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the h2.  Second
interactive prefix toggles this flag.  See user option
‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
Second interactive prefix arg toggles default value of this flag.
The h2 is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-next-h3

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-h3 (&optional speak)
Move forward to the next h3.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the h3.  Second
interactive prefix toggles this flag.  See user option
‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
Second interactive prefix arg toggles default value of this flag.
The h3 is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-next-h4

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-h4 (&optional speak)
Move forward to the next h4.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the h4.  Second
interactive prefix toggles this flag.  See user option
‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
Second interactive prefix arg toggles default value of this flag.
The h4 is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-next-h5

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-h5 (&optional speak)
Move forward to the next h5.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the h5.  Second
interactive prefix toggles this flag.  See user option
‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
Second interactive prefix arg toggles default value of this flag.
The h5 is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-next-h6

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-h6 (&optional speak)
Move forward to the next h6.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the h6.  Second
interactive prefix toggles this flag.  See user option
‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
Second interactive prefix arg toggles default value of this flag.
The h6 is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-next-li

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-li (&optional speak)
Move forward to the next li.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the li.  Second
interactive prefix toggles this flag.  See user option
‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
Second interactive prefix arg toggles default value of this flag.
The li is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-next-ol

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-ol (&optional speak)
Move forward to the next ol.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the ol.  Second
interactive prefix toggles this flag.  See user option
‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
Second interactive prefix arg toggles default value of this flag.
The ol is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-next-p

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-p (&optional speak)
Move forward to the next p.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the p.  Second
interactive prefix toggles this flag.  See user option
‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
Second interactive prefix arg toggles default value of this flag.
The p is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-next-table

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-table (&optional speak)
Move forward to the next table.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the table.  Second
interactive prefix toggles this flag.  See user option
‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
Second interactive prefix arg toggles default value of this flag.
The table is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-next-ul

Command: emacspeak-eww-next-ul (&optional speak)
Move forward to the next ul.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the ul.  Second
interactive prefix toggles this flag.  See user option
‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
Second interactive prefix arg toggles default value of this flag.
The ul is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-open-mark

Command: emacspeak-eww-open-mark (name &optional delete)
C-x r e
Open EWW marked location.  With optional interactive prefix
arg ‘delete’, delete that mark instead.

(fn NAME &optional DELETE) emacspeak-eww-play-media-at-point

Command: emacspeak-eww-play-media-at-point (&optional playlist-p)
C-e M-;
Play media url under point.
Interprets url-fragment identifier #nnn as time-offset in
seconds.   Optional
interactive prefix arg ‘playlist-p’ treats link as a playlist.  A
second interactive prefix arg adds mplayer option

(fn &optional PLAYLIST-P) emacspeak-eww-previous-dd

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-dd (&optional speak)
Move backward to the next dd.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the dd.
Second interactive prefix toggles this flag.
See user option ‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
The dd is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-previous-dl

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-dl (&optional speak)
Move backward to the next dl.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the dl.
Second interactive prefix toggles this flag.
See user option ‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
The dl is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-previous-dt

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-dt (&optional speak)
Move backward to the next dt.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the dt.
Second interactive prefix toggles this flag.
See user option ‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
The dt is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-previous-element

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-element (el &optional speak)
Move backward  to the previous  specified element.

(fn EL &optional SPEAK) emacspeak-eww-previous-element-from-history

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-element-from-history
Uses element navigation history to decide where we jump. emacspeak-eww-previous-element-like-this

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-element-like-this (element)
Moves to next element like current.
Prompts if content at point is enclosed by multiple elements.

(fn ELEMENT) emacspeak-eww-previous-h

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-h (&optional speak)
Move backward to the next h.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the h.
Second interactive prefix toggles this flag.
See user option ‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
The h is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-previous-h1

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-h1 (&optional speak)
Move backward to the next h1.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the h1.
Second interactive prefix toggles this flag.
See user option ‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
The h1 is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-previous-h2

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-h2 (&optional speak)
Move backward to the next h2.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the h2.
Second interactive prefix toggles this flag.
See user option ‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
The h2 is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-previous-h3

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-h3 (&optional speak)
Move backward to the next h3.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the h3.
Second interactive prefix toggles this flag.
See user option ‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
The h3 is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-previous-h4

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-h4 (&optional speak)
Move backward to the next h4.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the h4.
Second interactive prefix toggles this flag.
See user option ‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
The h4 is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-previous-h5

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-h5 (&optional speak)
Move backward to the next h5.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the h5.
Second interactive prefix toggles this flag.
See user option ‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
The h5 is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-previous-h6

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-h6 (&optional speak)
Move backward to the next h6.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the h6.
Second interactive prefix toggles this flag.
See user option ‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
The h6 is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-previous-li

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-li (&optional speak)
Move backward to the next li.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the li.
Second interactive prefix toggles this flag.
See user option ‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
The li is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-previous-ol

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-ol (&optional speak)
Move backward to the next ol.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the ol.
Second interactive prefix toggles this flag.
See user option ‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
The ol is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-previous-p

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-p (&optional speak)
Move backward to the next p.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the p.
Second interactive prefix toggles this flag.
See user option ‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
The p is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-previous-table

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-table (&optional speak)
Move backward to the next table.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the table.
Second interactive prefix toggles this flag.
See user option ‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
The table is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-previous-ul

Command: emacspeak-eww-previous-ul (&optional speak)
Move backward to the next ul.
Optional interactive prefix arg speaks the ul.
Second interactive prefix toggles this flag.
See user option ‘emacspeak-eww-autospeak’ on how to reverse this behavior.
The ul is automatically spoken if there is no user activity. emacspeak-eww-rdr-follow

Command: emacspeak-eww-rdr-follow
Follow link under point, but use rdr to load page. emacspeak-eww-rdr-reload

Command: emacspeak-eww-rdr-reload
Reload current Web page using ‘emacspeak-eww-rdr’. emacspeak-eww-reading-settings

Command: emacspeak-eww-reading-settings
Setup speech-rate, punctuation and split-caps for reading prose. emacspeak-eww-restore

Command: emacspeak-eww-restore
Restore buffer to pre-filtered canonical state. emacspeak-eww-shell-cmd-on-url-at-point

Command: emacspeak-eww-shell-cmd-on-url-at-point (&optional prompt)
Run specified shell command on URL at point. 

(fn &optional PROMPT) emacspeak-eww-shr-outline-toggle

Command: emacspeak-eww-shr-outline-toggle
Toggle between shr and native outliner. emacspeak-eww-smart-tabs

Command: emacspeak-eww-smart-tabs (char &optional define)
C-x @ a SPC
Open URL in EWW keyed by  ‘char’.
To associate a URL with a char, use this command
with an interactive prefix arg. 

(fn CHAR &optional DEFINE) emacspeak-eww-smart-tabs-add

Command: emacspeak-eww-smart-tabs-add (char url)
Add a URL to the specified location in smart tabs.

(fn CHAR URL) emacspeak-eww-smart-tabs-load

Command: emacspeak-eww-smart-tabs-load
Load our smart tabsfrom a file. emacspeak-eww-smart-tabs-save

Command: emacspeak-eww-smart-tabs-save
Save our smart tabs to a file for reloading. emacspeak-eww-speak-this-element

Command: emacspeak-eww-speak-this-element
Speak current . emacspeak-eww-table-data

Command: emacspeak-eww-table-data
View  table at point as a data table using Emacspeak Table UI. emacspeak-eww-table-next-cell

Command: emacspeak-eww-table-next-cell (&optional prefix)
Speak next cell after making it current.
Interactive prefix arg moves to the last cell in the table.

(fn &optional PREFIX) emacspeak-eww-table-next-row

Command: emacspeak-eww-table-next-row (&optional prefix)
Speak  cell after moving to next row.
 Optional interactive prefix arg moves to end of table.

(fn &optional PREFIX) emacspeak-eww-table-previous-cell

Command: emacspeak-eww-table-previous-cell (&optional prefix)
Speak previous cell after making it current.
With interactive prefix arg, move to the start of the table.

(fn &optional PREFIX) emacspeak-eww-table-previous-row

Command: emacspeak-eww-table-previous-row (&optional prefix)
Speak  cell after moving to previous row.
 Optional interactive prefix arg moves to start of table.

(fn &optional PREFIX) emacspeak-eww-table-speak-cell

Command: emacspeak-eww-table-speak-cell
Speak current cell. emacspeak-eww-table-speak-dimensions

Command: emacspeak-eww-table-speak-dimensions
Speak number of rows and cells. emacspeak-eww-tags-at-point

Command: emacspeak-eww-tags-at-point
Display tags at point. emacspeak-eww-url-to-register

Command: emacspeak-eww-url-to-register
Accumulate  URL in register ‘u’ emacspeak-eww-yt-dl

Command: emacspeak-eww-yt-dl (url)
Download link at point   using youtube-dl — works with BBC Sounds. 

(fn URL)

12.77.11 emacspeak-eww Options

Variable: User Option emacspeak-eww-autospeak
Turn this on to make section navigation autospeak.
This also reverses the meaning of the prefix-arg to section nav

Default Value:


Variable: User Option emacspeak-eww-inhibit-images
Turn this on to avoid rendering images.

Default Value:
